Eight second level science teachers will represent Ireland at the 2017 Science on Stage festival in Debrecen, Hungary
26th January 2017
Under the motto “Inventing the Future of Science Education” the next Science on Stage festival, the largest European educational fair for STEM teachers, will take place from 29 June to 2 July 2017 in Debrecen, Hungary. At the festival around 450 primary teachers and STEM teachers from 30 countries will come together to exchange innovative teaching concepts. They present their most innovative ideas from teachers for teachers in a fair, in workshops, and performances. The participants were chosen through competitive national events in their countries during 2016. More information on the 2017 festival can be found here.
The Irish team will be lead by Paul Nugent, Santa Sabina Institute of Physics Teacher Coordinator. Each member of the delegation will present a project at the fair.
- Declan Cathcart, Temple Carrig School – “The Wonderful World of Woodlice”
- Máire Duffy, Clonkeen College – “Homemade Electroscopes”
- Robert Clarke, Confey College – “Green Greens?”
- Nicola Sheehan, Donabate Community College – “Numeracy with Knitting”
- Enda Carr, St. Marys Secondary School Glasnevin – “Zippie Chemistry”
- Sean Fogarty, St. Mary’s Seconday School – “Fun with Electomagnetism”
- David Keenehan, IOPI Teacher Network Coordinator – “Rotation”
The Irish team members will present their projects as part of a Science on Stage workshop at the ISTA national conference on Saturday 8th April in NUI Maynooth.
Science on Stage in Ireland organised by CASTeL at Dublin City University and the Institute of Physics in Ireland and has received funding for its activities from Science Foundation Ireland (2015-2017). Further information on Science on Stage in Ireland can be found at: http://www.scienceonstage.ie/
Or please contact Dr. Eilish McLoughlin, Chair National Steering Committee Science on Stage Ireland E: eilish.mcloughlin@dcu.ie