Meet the Irish SonS 2017 team – David Keenahan
6th February 2017
David is a Teacher Network Coordinator with the Institute of Physics.
The Institute of Physics operates a Teacher Network throughout Great Britain and Ireland. The role involves supporting Physics Teachers through continuous professional development. The role also involves organizing events, promoting science and acting as a source of information about physics related events and provide help and advice in response to requests.
David retired in 2016 as teacher of Physics, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in Gonzaga College, in Dublin, where he taught for 36 years. While at Gonzaga, David was an active contributor to the co-curricular programme of the College coaching rugby and tennis and coordinating a social outreach programme and Science Week in the College.
David took part in the 2011 and 2015 Science on Stage festivals and has contributed to the development of the Science on Stage on Stage videos and workshops.