Meet the Irish SonS 2017 team – Nicola Sheehan
8th February 2017
Nicola Sheehan is a teacher at Donabate Community College
Numeracy with Knitting
Nicola’s project involves teaching numeracy through knitting. Students are taught to knit, and when their confidence has been built up, they work out their speed and area of the material that they have produced. Students learn how to read a basic chart, which can be likened to computer coding, and follow the chart in order to make a pattern in their knitted piece. They are taught how to increase and decrease stitches in order to shape their piece, introducing symmetry to what they are making. The completed knitted items will be donated to charity.

See Nicola’s project at the Science on Stage workshop at the ISTA conference in Maynooth on the 8th April.