Meet the Irish SonS 2017 team – Enda Carr
1st February 2017Zippie Chemistry

Enda is a teacher at St. Mary’s Secondary School, Glasnevin
Enda’s project revolves around chemistry experiments in a zip lock bag. Students are free to select from available combinations of chemicals, mix and match them in zip-loc bags and observe the results in an 80 minute lesson. The household chemicals involved in all of the experiment are available in supermarkets. The chemistry involved includes acid-base, energy changes and iodiometric detection of starch. This project aims to enhance student understanding of what it means to be a chemist in the laboratory in terms of, displaying the dexterous capacity to carry out a laboratory investigation, working in a group, recording results, presenting results and interpreting the same results to develop a hypothesis.

See Enda’s project at the Science on Stage workshop at the ISTA conference in Maynooth on the 8th April.