Meet the Irish SonS 2017 team – Declan Cathcart
31st January 2017The Wonderful world of woodlice

Declan Cathcart is a teacher in Temple Carrig School , Greystones, Co. Wicklow.
Declan’s project describes a sequence of investigations carried out by his students on the living conditions of woodlice examining the effect of several factors, e.g. light, humidity, temperature, food preferences. Respirometer experiments provide further data for students looking at environmental factors affecting respiration rates. Setting up a woodlice colony/breeding chamber provides the opportunity for extended, more advanced investigations. The ethics of working with animals was also explored. Examples of student set-ups, and exemplars of students’ reports will be shared with teachers. Video footage of students carrying out their investigations will be displayed. Demonstrations of working with woodlice will be carried out.

See Declan’s project at the Science on Stage workshop at the ISTA conference in Maynooth on the 8th April.